Semantic UI vs Vuetify

When it comes to building modern, responsive web applications, developers are often faced with the decision of which CSS framework to use. Among the numerous options available, Semantic UI and Vuetify stand out for their unique features and capabilities. This article will provide an in-depth comparison of Semantic UI and Vuetify, covering everything from their design philosophies to their community support, to help you decide which framework is the best fit for your project.

Introduction to Semantic UI

Semantic UI is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language. It has a declarative style of coding and uses human-friendly HTML for its development, making it intuitive and easy to work with.

Semantic UI is known for its comprehensive set of components and wide range of themes that can be easily customized. It leverages the power of LESS and jQuery to offer a flexible and feature-rich experience.

Popular Third-Party Add-ons or Libraries for Semantic UI

Code Samples for Semantic UI

Here’s a basic example of a Semantic UI button:

<button class="ui button">Click Here</button>

To create a card layout with Semantic UI, you would use the following code:

<div class="ui card">
  <div class="image">
    <img src="/images/avatar2/large/kristy.png">
  <div class="content">
    <a class="header">Kristy</a>
    <div class="meta">
      <span class="date">Joined in 2013</span>
    <div class="description">
      Kristy is an art director living in New York.
  <div class="extra content">
      <i class="user icon"></i>
      22 Friends

Introduction to Vuetify

Vuetify is a Vue UI Library with beautifully handcrafted Material Components. It aims to provide clean, semantic, and reusable components that make building your application a breeze.

Vuetify is designed to work with Vue.js and provides a robust set of components and tools that follow Google’s Material Design specifications.

Popular Third-Party Add-ons or Libraries for Vuetify

  • Vuetify Loader: Vuetify Loader automatically imports Vuetify components as you use them.
  • Vue CLI Plugin Vuetify: Vue CLI Plugin Vuetify allows you to add Vuetify to a Vue CLI project.

Code Samples for Vuetify

To add a Vuetify button to your Vue.js application, you would write:

  <v-btn color="primary">Click Me</v-btn>

For a card layout in Vuetify, the code would look like this:

    <v-card-title primary-title>
        <h3 class="headline mb-0">Kangaroo Valley Safari</h3>
        <div>Located two hours south of Sydney in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, ...</div>
      <v-btn flat color="orange">Share</v-btn>
      <v-btn flat color="orange">Explore</v-btn>

Design Philosophy and User Experience

Semantic UI

Semantic UI’s design philosophy is based on the idea that the language used in the code should be as close as possible to natural language. This makes the code more readable and easier to understand. Semantic UI focuses on theming and allows developers to design websites with a shared vocabulary.


Vuetify, on the other hand, is dedicated to providing a complete Material Design experience. It follows Google’s Material Design guidelines closely and provides a vast array of components that adhere to these principles. Vuetify is designed to be mobile-first and responsive, ensuring that web applications look great on all devices.

Component Library and Customization

Semantic UI

Semantic UI offers a rich set of components such as buttons, cards, modals, and more. It provides a theming system that lets you customize the components to fit your brand or design requirements. The framework uses LESS for styling, which gives developers a lot of control over the appearance of their applications.


Vuetify’s component library is equally extensive, with a focus on Material Design components. It includes everything from simple buttons to complex data tables and offers a theming system that can be used to adjust colors, fonts, and other design elements. Vuetify uses SASS for styling, which is a powerful and modern CSS preprocessor.

Browser Compatibility and Performance

Semantic UI

Semantic UI aims to be compatible with a wide range of browsers, including older versions. However, because it relies on jQuery, it may be heavier than some modern frameworks, and this can impact performance, especially on mobile devices.


Vuetify is optimized for performance and is designed to work well on all modern browsers. It does not rely on jQuery, which can result in faster load times and better performance on mobile devices. Vuetify also supports server-side rendering, which can further improve performance and SEO.

Community Support and Resources

Semantic UI

Semantic UI has a strong community and a large number of resources available, including third-party add-ons, community forums, and extensive documentation. However, the development pace has slowed down, and there are concerns about the long-term maintenance of the project.


Vuetify boasts a vibrant community and is actively maintained, with regular updates and a roadmap for future development. It has a large number of contributors and a supportive community that can help with any issues that arise. The documentation is thorough and includes examples and a playground to test components.


Both Semantic UI and Vuetify offer unique advantages and can be excellent choices for web development projects. Semantic UI stands out for its natural language coding style and extensive theming capabilities, while Vuetify excels with its adherence to Material Design and optimized performance. Your choice between the two will depend on your specific needs, design preferences, and the overall goals of your project.

In the next section, we will dive deeper into other aspects such as integration with other frameworks, custom component creation, and real-world use cases for both Semantic UI and Vuetify. Stay tuned for more detailed insights that will help you make an informed decision.

(Note: The second half of the article will continue with further comparison points, including integration with other frameworks, creating custom components, real-world use cases, and the final verdict on which framework to choose based on different scenarios.)

Integration with Other Frameworks

Semantic UI

Semantic UI is built with plain JavaScript and jQuery, making it relatively straightforward to integrate with various frontend frameworks, including React, Angular, and Vue.js. However, integration often requires additional wrappers or adapters, such as Semantic-UI-React for React integration. This can add complexity to your project setup and may require additional overhead to maintain compatibility.

React Integration Example

import { Button } from 'semantic-ui-react';

function App() {
  return <Button primary>Click Here</Button>;


Vuetify is specifically designed for Vue.js, which means it integrates seamlessly with Vue-based projects. This tight integration provides a more consistent and efficient development experience when working within the Vue ecosystem. However, using Vuetify outside of Vue.js is not practical, as it relies heavily on Vue’s reactivity system.

Vue Integration Example

    <v-btn color="primary">Click Me</v-btn>

Creating Custom Components

Semantic UI

Creating custom components with Semantic UI involves leveraging its existing CSS classes and adding your own custom styles or behaviors using JavaScript. The framework’s clear and semantic class names make it easier to understand what each class is supposed to do, which simplifies the process of extending components.

Custom Semantic UI Component Example

<div class="ui custom-button">
  Custom Button
.ui.custom-button {
  background-color: #4CAF50;
  color: white;
  padding: 14px 20px;
  margin: 8px 0;
  border: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  width: 100%;


In Vuetify, custom components are typically created as Vue single-file components (SFCs). This allows you to take advantage of Vue’s component system, which provides a structured way to create reusable and encapsulated components.

Custom Vuetify Component Example

  <v-btn custom-color>Custom Button</v-btn>

export default {
  name: 'CustomButton',

<style scoped>
.v-btn.custom-color {
  background-color: #4CAF50;
  color: white;

Real-World Use Cases

Semantic UI

Semantic UI is well-suited for developers who prefer a more traditional approach to web development with jQuery and LESS. It’s ideal for projects where readability and maintainability of the HTML/CSS are paramount. Semantic UI can be a good choice for enterprise applications, content management systems, and any project where theming and customization are crucial.


Vuetify is perfect for developers who are already working within the Vue.js ecosystem and want a comprehensive solution that adheres to Material Design principles. It’s particularly useful for SPAs (Single Page Applications), PWAs (Progressive Web Applications), and any project that requires a responsive, mobile-first design.

Final Verdict

Choosing between Semantic UI and Vuetify ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your project and your personal or team’s familiarity with the underlying technologies.

If you are working on a Vue.js project and need a robust, performance-oriented framework with a rich set of components that follow Material Design, Vuetify is the clear choice. Its active community and regular updates make it a reliable option for modern web applications.

On the other hand, if you are not committed to Vue.js and are looking for a framework with a more traditional feel, or you need extensive theming capabilities, Semantic UI might be more up your alley. Its natural language principles can be very appealing for teams prioritizing readability and ease of use.

Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and the decision should be based on the project’s needs, the development team’s expertise, and the desired user experience.

Remember, the best tool is the one that fits your project requirements and helps you achieve your goals effectively and efficiently. Whether you choose Semantic UI or Vuetify, both frameworks have the potential to help you build high-quality, responsive, and visually appealing web applications.

More Semantic UI Comparisons


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