Materialize vs Ant Design

When it comes to developing modern, responsive web applications, choosing the right CSS framework can significantly impact your project’s success. Two popular options that have emerged in the web development community are Materialize and Ant Design. Both frameworks offer a rich set of components and design standards, but they cater to different design philosophies and use cases. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the specifics of Materialize and Ant Design, comparing their features, design principles, community support, and more to help you decide which framework best suits your project needs.

Materialize: A Modern Responsive Front-end Framework Based on Material Design

Materialize is a responsive front-end framework based on Google’s Material Design principles. It provides a set of UI components and styles that adhere to the guidelines of Material Design, aiming to create a consistent user experience across different platforms and devices.

Materialize Features and Components

Materialize comes with a wide range of components including navigation bars, cards, modals, tooltips, and more. It also includes a grid system based on a 12-column layout, which makes it easy to create responsive designs. The framework is built with SASS, allowing developers to customize the styles easily.

  • Grid System: Materialize’s grid system is fluid and responsive, ensuring that your layout looks great on all screen sizes.
  • Components: A variety of UI components are available, such as buttons, forms, icons, and more, which are designed according to Material Design specifications.
  • JavaScript: Materialize also includes JavaScript components for functionalities like parallax effects, toasts, and collapsible elements.

Materialize Installation and Documentation

You can get started with Materialize by visiting their official website, where you can find the documentation and installation guide. Materialize can be installed via npm, added directly to your HTML via CDN, or downloaded as a zip file.

npm install materialize-css@next

Popular Addons and Libraries for Materialize

While Materialize provides a comprehensive set of components out-of-the-box, there are also third-party addons and libraries that can extend its capabilities:

  • MaterializeCSS Material Icons: This addon provides the official icon set from Google’s Material Design.
  • MaterializeCSS Parallax Template: A template that demonstrates how to use the parallax feature in Materialize.

Ant Design: An Enterprise-Class UI Design Language

Ant Design, often referred to as AntD, is a design system for enterprise-level products. It is based on the React library and offers a set of high-quality React components. It is well-suited for creating complex and high-performance web interfaces.

Ant Design Features and Components

Ant Design is known for its comprehensive suite of over 50 components that cover most of the common UI needs. These components include tables, forms, menus, date pickers, and many more, all designed with an enterprise-grade look and feel.

  • Layout: Ant Design provides a flexible and efficient layout system for creating complex UI structures.
  • Data Entry: A wide array of components like input fields, switches, and sliders make data entry seamless.
  • Data Display: Components like tables and lists are optimized for displaying large amounts of data.

Ant Design Installation and Documentation

To use Ant Design, you can visit the official website and follow the installation guide. Ant Design can be easily installed in your React project using npm or yarn.

npm install antd


yarn add antd

The documentation is comprehensive and includes examples and API descriptions for all components.

Popular Addons and Libraries for Ant Design

Ant Design’s ecosystem is enriched by several third-party libraries and addons:

  • Ant Design Pro: An out-of-the-box UI solution for enterprise applications.
  • Ant Design Charts: A React chart library that works seamlessly with Ant Design components.
  • Ant Design Mobile: A mobile UI toolkit for developing high-quality cross-platform apps.

Code Samples

To give you a better sense of how each framework operates, let’s look at some code samples for common UI elements.

Materialize Button

<!-- Materialize Button -->
<a class="waves-effect waves-light btn">Button</a>

Ant Design Button

// Ant Design Button
import { Button } from 'antd';

  <Button type="primary">Button</Button>,

Materialize Card

<!-- Materialize Card -->
<div class="card">
    <div class="card-image">
        <img src="image.jpg">
        <span class="card-title">Card Title</span>
    <div class="card-content">
        <p>I am a very simple card. I am good at containing small bits of information.</p>
    <div class="card-action">
        <a href="#">This is a link</a>

Ant Design Card

// Ant Design Card
import { Card } from 'antd';

const { Meta } = Card;

    style={{ width: 240 }}
    cover={<img alt="example" src="image.jpg" />}
    <Meta title="Card Title" description="I am a card from Ant Design." />

The code samples above demonstrate the syntax and structure of components in both Materialize and Ant Design. Materialize uses traditional HTML and CSS class-based styling, making it accessible for those familiar with HTML/CSS. In contrast, Ant Design leverages React components, offering a more JavaScript-centric approach that is well-suited for developers working with React.

In the next section, we will further compare the two frameworks by examining their community support, performance, customization options, and real-world applications. Stay tuned for an even more detailed exploration of Materialize and Ant Design.

Community Support and Ecosystem

When choosing a CSS framework, the community and ecosystem that surrounds it can be just as important as the technical features. A strong community can provide additional resources, plugins, and support that can make development smoother and more efficient.

Materialize Community

Materialize has a sizable community with various resources available for developers. While it might not be as large as some other frameworks, it still boasts a good number of followers and contributors.

  • GitHub Repository: Materialize’s GitHub repository is the hub for its source code and community interaction.
  • Forums and Discussion Boards: There are numerous forums and discussion boards where developers can ask questions and share experiences with Materialize.
  • Third-party Tutorials and Courses: Various online platforms offer tutorials and courses that cover Materialize, helping new users get up to speed.

Ant Design Community

Ant Design, being closely associated with React, benefits from the React community’s vast resources. It has a strong following and an active community that contributes to its continuous development.

  • GitHub Repository: The Ant Design GitHub repository is very active, with many contributors working on the project.
  • Gitter Chat Room: Ant Design has a Gitter chat room where developers can discuss issues and features.
  • Ant Design Landing: A platform for creating landing pages using Ant Design components.

Performance and Customization

Performance and customization are critical factors that can influence the decision to choose one framework over another. Both Materialize and Ant Design offer customization options, but their approaches and impacts on performance can vary.

Materialize Performance and Customization

Materialize, being a CSS framework, is generally light and doesn’t add significant load times to a project. However, like any framework, unnecessary components can bloat the project if not managed correctly.

  • SASS Support: Developers can use SASS to customize Materialize’s styles and themes, which allows for fine-tuning the look and feel of the application.
  • JavaScript Components: Materialize’s JavaScript components are based on jQuery, which can be a concern for projects looking to minimize dependencies and maximize performance.

Ant Design Performance and Customization

Ant Design is a bit heavier than Materialize due to its comprehensive list of components and reliance on React. However, it offers advanced customization options suited for complex applications.

  • Tree Shaking: Ant Design supports tree shaking, which helps to eliminate unused code and reduce bundle sizes.
  • Theme Customization: Developers can customize the theme by modifying the variables.less file or using the modifyVars option in Webpack.

Real-World Applications

Seeing frameworks in action can provide insight into their capabilities and suitability for different types of projects. Let’s look at some real-world applications of both Materialize and Ant Design.

Materialize in Action

Materialize has been used in various types of websites, from personal portfolios to small business pages. Its ease of use and Material Design aesthetics make it a good choice for projects that require a clean and modern look without the need for complex UI interactions.

Ant Design in Action

Ant Design is commonly found in enterprise applications and large-scale projects where React is the primary library. Its comprehensive component library and enterprise-focused design make it ideal for internal dashboards, data-intensive applications, and complex workflows.


Choosing between Materialize and Ant Design ultimately depends on the specific needs of your project. If you’re looking for a lightweight framework that follows Material Design and you’re comfortable with jQuery, Materialize could be the right choice. On the other hand, if you’re working with React and need a robust, enterprise-grade UI library with extensive components, Ant Design is likely the better option.

Both frameworks have strong communities, offer customization options, and can be seen in real-world applications. By considering factors such as design philosophy, performance, and the nature of your project, you can make an informed decision that will set the foundation for a successful web application.

Remember to explore each framework’s official documentation and resources to get a deeper understanding of their capabilities:

By weighing the strengths and limitations of Materialize and Ant Design, you can choose the framework that aligns best with your project goals and the experience you aim to deliver to your users.

More Materialize CSS Comparisons


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