Skeleton vs Milligram

In the world of web design, CSS frameworks are invaluable tools that help developers create responsive, aesthetically pleasing websites quickly and efficiently. Among the plethora of options, Skeleton and Milligram stand out for their minimalist approach, offering a lightweight and straightforward alternative to more feature-rich frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation. This article delves into a comprehensive comparison of Skeleton and Milligram, guiding you through their features, use cases, and how to implement them in your projects.

Introduction to Skeleton

Skeleton is a dead-simple, responsive boilerplate that shines in projects where simplicity and speed are key. It’s not a UI framework with numerous components but a starting point that includes the bare essentials to build responsive websites.

Features of Skeleton

  • Grid System: Skeleton uses a simple 12-column grid that adapts to the screen size of devices, making it responsive out of the box.
  • Base Styling: It provides basic styles for standard HTML elements like headings, buttons, forms, and lists.
  • Responsive Utilities: Classes for showing or hiding elements depending on the device’s screen size are included.
  • Lightweight: The entire framework is around 400 lines of code, which means it won’t add much weight to your project.

Installation and Documentation

To get started with Skeleton, you can download the latest version from its GitHub repository. There isn’t a dedicated installation page, but you can include the skeleton.css file in your HTML to begin using it right away.

The documentation for Skeleton is straightforward and can be found within the official website. It includes basic instructions and examples to help you understand how to work with the framework.

Popular Addons and Libraries

As a minimal framework, Skeleton doesn’t have a large ecosystem of addons or libraries. However, the community often extends it with personal projects or small plugins that can be found on GitHub.

Code Samples for Skeleton

Here’s a simple example of a responsive two-column layout using Skeleton:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Skeleton Example</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="six columns">
        <h1>Column 1</h1>
        <p>This is a column that takes up half the width of the container.</p>
      <div class="six columns">
        <h1>Column 2</h1>
        <p>This is another column that also takes up half the width of the container.</p>


Introduction to Milligram

Milligram is another minimalist CSS framework designed for better performance and higher productivity with a size of only ~2kB gzipped. It provides a clean starting point for your web projects with a modern and simple aesthetic.

Features of Milligram

  • Flexbox Grid System: Milligram employs a flexible grid system based on Flexbox, which is a more modern approach compared to Skeleton’s float-based grid.
  • Typography: The framework sets base styles for typography to ensure an elegant and consistent text appearance.
  • Components: Milligram includes styles for basic UI elements such as buttons, forms, tables, and lists.
  • Responsive Design: Just like Skeleton, Milligram is responsive and works well on devices of various screen sizes.

Installation and Documentation

Milligram can be easily installed via npm, bower, or by including a CDN link. The installation guide provides detailed instructions on different methods to include Milligram in your project.

The documentation is comprehensive and well-organized, offering examples and usage guidelines for all the components and utilities provided by the framework.

Popular Addons and Libraries

Milligram’s ecosystem isn’t vast, but there are a few notable projects and extensions that can be found on GitHub. These include themes and additional components that complement the core framework.

Code Samples for Milligram

Below is an example of a responsive two-column layout using Milligram’s Flexbox grid:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Milligram Example</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="column column-50">
        <h1>Column 1</h1>
        <p>This is a column that takes up 50% of the width of the container.</p>
      <div class="column column-50">
        <h1>Column 2</h1>
        <p>This is another column that takes up 50% of the width of the container.</p>


In the next section, we will continue to explore the differences between Skeleton and Milligram, including their community support, customization capabilities, and how to choose the right framework for your project. Stay tuned for an in-depth look at these aspects and more.

Customization and Flexibility

Both Skeleton and Milligram offer a minimalistic approach to web design, but they differ in terms of customization and flexibility. Skeleton, with its bare-bones approach, is highly customizable since it doesn’t impose many styles that you need to override. Milligram, on the other hand, provides a bit more styling out of the box, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your project’s needs.

Skeleton Customization

Customizing Skeleton is straightforward because of its simplicity. You can easily modify the skeleton.css file or create a new stylesheet that overrides the default styles. Since there aren’t many predefined styles, you won’t have to fight against the framework to apply your design.

Milligram Customization

Milligram is also customizable, but you might have to override more styles than with Skeleton due to its slightly more opinionated design approach. However, Milligram’s use of CSS variables for its color scheme and fonts makes it easy to adjust these aspects globally.

Community Support and Resources

The community support for Skeleton and Milligram is modest compared to larger frameworks. However, both have a dedicated following and you can find various discussions, tutorials, and resources online.

Skeleton Community

Skeleton has been around since 2011, and while it’s not actively developed, it has a stable community. You can find support and discussions on platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub. There are also numerous blog posts and tutorials available that can help you get the most out of the framework.

Milligram Community

Milligram is newer than Skeleton and has a smaller community, but it’s actively maintained. The community support is growing, and you can find help on GitHub, Stack Overflow, and through various articles and tutorials that explore how to use Milligram in different contexts.

When to Choose Skeleton or Milligram

Choosing between Skeleton and Milligram often comes down to your project requirements and personal preferences.

Use Skeleton if:

  • You need an ultra-minimalist framework that doesn’t get in the way.
  • You prefer to write most of the CSS yourself but want a responsive grid and some basic styling to start with.
  • You’re working on a small project or a prototype that needs to be developed quickly.

Use Milligram if:

  • You want a minimal framework that’s slightly more opinionated with modern features like Flexbox.
  • You appreciate having a few more styled components out of the box.
  • You’re focusing on performance and want a lightweight framework with a small footprint.


Skeleton and Milligram are both excellent choices for developers looking for lightweight, responsive CSS frameworks. Skeleton offers the utmost simplicity and is perfect for those who want to build their styles from the ground up. Milligram provides a bit more structure with its Flexbox grid and pre-styled components while still maintaining a minimalist footprint.

Ultimately, the choice between Skeleton and Milligram will depend on your specific needs and how much you want the framework to influence your design. Both frameworks will help you achieve a clean, responsive design, but the path you take to get there will be slightly different.

Whichever framework you choose, remember that the goal is to create a user-friendly, accessible, and responsive website. Both Skeleton and Milligram can help you achieve that goal without the bloat of larger frameworks. It’s all about selecting the right tool for the job and leveraging the strengths of these minimal frameworks to your advantage.

More Skeleton Comparisons


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