How to Adjust Line Height in Tailwind CSS: A Complete Guide

When it comes to web design, typography plays a crucial role in readability and aesthetics. One aspect of typography that can significantly affect the look and feel of your text is line height. Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, provides a simple and flexible way to control line height across different elements. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to use Tailwind’s line height utilities to enhance your web projects.

Understanding Line Height in Tailwind CSS

Line height, also known as leading, is the vertical distance between lines of text. It’s essential for creating a comfortable reading experience. In Tailwind CSS, line height is controlled through a set of predefined classes that apply different line height values to your text elements.

Getting Started with Tailwind Line Height Classes

To use Tailwind’s line height classes, you first need to ensure that Tailwind CSS is properly installed in your project. If you’re new to Tailwind, you can follow the official installation guide to get started.

Once Tailwind CSS is set up, you can begin using line height classes immediately. These classes are named using the leading- prefix followed by a size designation. Here’s an example of how to apply a line height class to a paragraph element:

<p class="leading-normal">This is a paragraph with normal line height.</p>

Available Line Height Classes in Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS offers a range of line height classes to suit different design needs. Here’s a list of the available classes and their corresponding line height values:

  • leading-none: Eliminates any additional line height beyond the font size.
  • leading-tight: Provides a slightly tighter line height.
  • leading-snug: Offers a snug line height that’s tighter than normal but not as tight as leading-tight.
  • leading-normal: Sets the line height to a standard, readable level.
  • leading-relaxed: Increases the line height for a more relaxed look.
  • leading-loose: Provides a very loose line height for maximum readability.

Each of these classes corresponds to a specific line height value defined in the Tailwind CSS configuration file. You can customize these values to suit your design needs by editing the theme.extend.lineHeight section of your tailwind.config.js file.

Customizing Line Height in Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is highly customizable, allowing you to define your own line height values if the defaults don’t meet your requirements. To create custom line height classes, you can extend the default theme in your tailwind.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      lineHeight: {
        'extra-loose': '2.5',
        '14': '3.5rem',

With this configuration, you can now use leading-extra-loose and leading-14 in your HTML to apply your custom line heights.

Responsive Line Height with Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS makes it easy to adjust line height based on different screen sizes. By prefixing the line height class with a responsive breakpoint, you can ensure that your text remains legible and well-spaced across all devices. Here’s an example of responsive line height classes:

<p class="leading-snug md:leading-normal lg:leading-relaxed">
  This paragraph's line height will change based on the screen size.

In this example, the paragraph will have a snug line height on small screens, a normal line height on medium screens, and a relaxed line height on large screens.

Best Practices for Using Line Height in Tailwind CSS

When adjusting line height, it’s important to consider the context and content of your text. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use tighter line heights for headings and shorter text to create a cohesive look.
  • Opt for looser line heights for body text to improve readability, especially for longer paragraphs.
  • Test your line heights on various devices to ensure a consistent and comfortable reading experience.


Tailwind CSS’s line height utilities offer a powerful and flexible way to control the spacing between lines of text in your web projects. By understanding and utilizing the available classes, customizing them to fit your design, and applying responsive techniques, you can create typography that is both beautiful and functional.

For more information on Tailwind CSS typography and other utilities, visit the official Tailwind CSS documentation.

Remember, the key to great typography is not just in the choice of font but also in how the text is presented, with line height being a significant factor. With Tailwind CSS, you have all the tools you need to ensure your text is as readable and aesthetically pleasing as possible.


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